Monday, April 28, 2008

Clean & Shiny Kitchen Floors


Who does not like clean Kitchen Floors!! Let us see some of the tips and tricks that Indian women use.

- Use Swiffer

- Clorox bleach

- Most stains can be removed by scrubbing with baking soda and water.

- Shaving cream also works effectively on harsh stains.

- Vinegar can be used on vinyl floors as it is a good degreaser

Mopping: I know mopping may not be the most exciting job in the world but just imagine a shiny kitchen floor that gives the message that your house is clean. Some mopping tips:

- Before you mop the floor, be sure to sweep or vacuum it first. It is easy to remove dirt when it is dry before it turns into sticky mud.

- Use the correct amount of cleaner; if you try to be a cheapo and use very little, it will not do the job and if you use too much, it will tend to leave a residue on the floor making it get dirty quicker.

- Rinse the mop in clean water often so that you are not mopping the floor with dirty water. Note: You might want to use a cleaning bucket with cleaner and a fresh water bucket.

- Make atleast 2 passes over each area. On your first pass you just wet the floor with the cleaner. The cleaner will take few seconds to do its job and then remove the dirt on your second pass.

Happy Cleaning!!!!!!

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