Monday, April 28, 2008

Removing Tarnish on Silver

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Easy home made tips/tricks:

Baking Soda: To remove tarnish from silverware, sprinkle baking soda (available in any grocery store) on a damp cloth and rub it on the silverware until tarnish is gone. Rinse and dry well.

Toothpaste: Coat the silver with toothpaste (or Colgate tooth powder) and rub with the help of a soft bristled toothbrush. Rinse it off under lukewarm water and pat dry.

Baking Soda, Salt and Aluminum Foil: This method is best for cleaning the crevices on intricately designed silver articles.Place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a pan, add water, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt and bring it to a boil. Add silver articles and boil for couple of minutes. Make sure that the silver articles are completely immersed in water. Rinse well under fresh tap water and dry with a soft cloth.

Cleaning with store bought stuff:

Tarn-X: Available at less than $5 at the cleaning supplies aisle of Walmart (or any other grocery store). It is a liquid solution packed in a black colored box. Take a small amount of the liquid onto a cotton swab and rub the silver articles clean. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.
Note: This has a strong smell.

Wright's Silver Cream: Also works well.

1 comment:

one&onesoultions said...

thank u so much for this tip Baking Soda, Salt and Aluminum Foil it really work out


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